Very Brief Introduction to R.O.S.E Online
Well, since I am getting that familiar screen,
I thought I'd just blog some more.
First of all, if you somehow stumbled upon this blog, and have only the vague idea that R.O.S.E is some sort of game, you are right.
R.O.S.E is a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). R.O.S.E stands for Rush On Seven Episodes. (One episode for each planet, and there is seven.)
I am playing the international version, so I get to interact with players from all over the world. I enjoy this aspect of the game a lot.
I have had FuWestholm from Sweden tell me about snuff (Yes, I know, I thought he meant that snuff too.). I have heard what fast food is available in Holland (*sweatdrop*), and I know about that gorgeous lake in Slovenia thanks to DeadSanity.
But I digress.
R.O.S.E is a Korean game. In Korea and Japan, it is now pay-to-play. And oh, the international version is actually in its beta stage, so it is free for now.
Basically, in R.O.S.E, you can take on the role of one of the 4 classes: Muse, soldier, hawker, and dealer. Each of the 4 classes branch out into two more advanced classes.
- Muse: Cleric / Magician
- Soldier: Knight / Champ
- Hawker: Scout / Raider
- Dealer: Artisan / Bourgeois
As I mentioned earlier, there are 7 planets. Well, actually only two. Why two? Because... Only two planets are officially released as of now. Yes, that means even Korea and Japan.
This is what the official site of R.O.S.E has to say about the 7 planets:

There are various tales, fantasies and legends around the seven planets, but many of them contain some grain of truth.
Our universe, or as it is called in the old tales, the 'Sea of Souls,' was a vast ocean of darkness until the goddess Arua created the seven planets. Each one of them was special, and not one planet was like the other. However, all seven planets were created with Arua's love and they shone with the brilliance of seven stars, filling the vast ocean of darkness with wondrous light and life.
However, Hebarn, god of malice, grew envious of Arua for her creative power. He forcefully took the seventh planet and pompously named it after himself. Hebarn has been a constant threat to the peace of the seven planets, as well as to the goddess Arua.
In order to protect the planets from Hebarn's looming menace, Arua created the Visitors, and has been sending them to the seven planets.
Go on, download the game, you know you want to.
Technorati Tags: r.o.s.e, r.o.s.e online, mmorpg, rose online, games, gaming
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