Monday, May 16, 2005

Eldeon #01

The third planet is finally out.


It costs 20K to go there from Junon1 (talk to Alphonso) and 13K to go from Luna2 (talk to the station guide in the west). Of course, you pay the same fee to go back to the respective areas.

The lvl requirement for Eldeon is lvl 90. But to actually survive there... lvl 120? It's like Luna. Sure you can go there at lvl 40, but you'd just keep dying every time you hit something.

OK, here's some pictures for the map of Refuge Xita. There are two more maps on Eldeon -- Shady Jungle and Elemental Swamp, but the latter is incomplete and not uh, exactly open.

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And look! Monkey slaves.

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They don't look too happy, that's why I call them slaves. That downturned mouth looks even more obvious when you're next to them.

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Their master sells Eldeon food:

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I included the map here, 'cause a lot of people missed this particular spot and NPC.

On the whole, the NPCs don't talk much. Or when they do, they give hints of quests to come. And that's about it.

They have Union representatives on Eldeon, like Junon Order Elder Patrick.

However, the union shops are empty and disappointing.

I found this rather interesting though:

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Now some pictures of monsters...

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The first one's of Kupfel and me getting pwned by Warbees and Honets. They look like the Hornets of Elveroon Desert, but don't be fooled. Their names are purple to me, and even to Kupfel. He's lvl 111.

Nepenthes move very slowly; most convenient when you're running for your life. -_-;;

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Yeah, you read that right. It's a Hooker. ._. There's also King of Hookers in Shady Jungle. =3

OK, one final shot I really like:

1 Junon = first planet

2 Luna = second planet

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